The Book Shelf

The Book Shelf


FLAMMABLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, 2nd Edition, James H. Meidle; Glencoe Publishing Company, Inc., 17337 Ventura Boulevard, Encino, Calif. 91316; 313 pages, $14.95.

Aimed at the fire service, this book has the virtue of providing pertinent information on the production and uses of hazardous materials that gives the fire fighter a more comprehensive understanding of the problems posed by the characteristics of various hazardous materials. The chapters on plastic and cryogenic gases are particularly informative in this manner.

The opening chapter on the chemistry of fire and the following chapter on the properties of flammable liquids provide clearly written definitions and lucid explanations of such terms as flash point, ignition temperature, flammable range and others that are vital to understanding the characteristics of hazardous materials discussed in the remainder of the book. In addition to flammable liquids, plastics and cryongenic gases, the author devotes chapters to liquefied gases, pressurized gases, flammable solids, combustible metals and oxidizing agents.

FIRE DEPARTMENT OPERATIONS WITH MODERN ELEVATORS, Max H. McRae; Robert J. Brady Company, Bowie, Md. 20715; 118 pages, $8.95.

The chapter on using elevators in burning buildings contains seven safety rules for fire fighters that are explained in terms of fire department experiences and the mechanics of elevator installations. Background information for this chapter is provided in a preceding chapter on the various features of elevator installations. Another chapter is devoted to the types of elevator doors, their interlocks and how doors can be opened. Other chapters discuss elevator rescue problems and fires in elevator installations, including the machine room and pit.

INTRODUCTION TO FIRE SCIENCE AND FIRE PROTECTION, William K. Bare; John Wiley & Sons, Inc., One Wiley Drive, Somerset, N.J. 08873; 290 pages, $12.95.

An elementary view of the fire problem, fire department building construction and codes is offered in this book. The information is aimed at those who know nothing of the fire service, and for those people, the book summarizes the many facets of the fire protection problem. The discussions of the various problems are too sketchy to be of help to experienced fire fighters.

THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE HANDBOOK, Wilford I. Summers, editor; National Fire Protection Association, 470 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, Mass. 02210; 886 pages, $15.50.

Explanatory text is inserted in appropriate places in the National Electrical Code to clarify code requirements. In addition, illustrations are used to develop better understanding. This book includes the complete text of the 1978 National Electrical Code.

FLASH POINT INDEX OF TRADE NAME LIQUIDS, 9th Edition; National Fire Prevention Association, 470 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, Mass., 02210; 308 pages, $5.50.

In addition to the flash points of trade name liquids, this index also includes the names of the manufacturers and principal uses of the liquids.

FIRE-RELATED CODES, LAWS AND ORDINANCES, Vince H. Clet; Glencoe Publishing Company, Inc., 17337 Ventura Boulevard, Encino, Calif. 91316; 192 pages, $12.95.

Criminal negligence and tort liability are discussed as they affect fire inspectors, municipalities, contractors and owners, and specific reference is made to California’s code regarding immunity of municipal employees. The fire-related regulations of federal agencies are summarized in one chapter in some detail, but the discussion of state laws affecting fire prevention and protection are discussed in general terms based on California regulations, which the author regards as typical of regulations “in several other states and in Canada.”

Other topics include the model arson law, local fire prevention codes, recommendations for future regulatory efforts and the duties of state fire marshals.

FIRE, Steven Scher; Harry N. Abrams, Inc., New York City; $7.95.

This paperback collection of photos taken in New York ranges from shots of fires to closeups of fire fighters at work and victims of fire.

Hand entrapped in rope gripper

Elevator Rescue: Rope Gripper Entrapment

Mike Dragonetti discusses operating safely while around a Rope Gripper and two methods of mitigating an entrapment situation.
Delta explosion

Two Workers Killed, Another Injured in Explosion at Atlanta Delta Air Lines Facility

Two workers were killed and another seriously injured in an explosion Tuesday at a Delta Air Lines maintenance facility near the Atlanta airport.