Mayday Monday: Above-Grade Rescue

Christopher Roy FF LODD

On December 9, 2018, the Worcester (MA) Fire Department was faced with a difficult fire in a old, three-story apartment building. Units found an intentionally set fire in the basement of the cluttered, balloon-frame structure spreading up the stairs and through the walls. As the fire took over the building and evacuation was ordered, several firefighters were forced out windows and onto ladders. Firefighter Christopher Roy of Ladder 4 and another firefighter were on the second floor and found their way to a window at the rear of the building. They called a Mayday and a ladder was raised but Roy was unable to escape. Firefighters entered the window and attempted to get him out. 

Car 5 reported to Command: “We’re on Side Charlie of the building. We have a firefighter trapped. We are trying to get the firefighter out now. We have contact with him.”

Crews tried to make the window into a door for removal but the construction made this difficult. Eventually, a plan was devised to use a simple rope system to raise and lower him to the ground. Unfortunately, Chris did not survive. The cause of death was smoke inhalation. Firefighter Roy was 36 years old and was survived by his beloved daughter, Ava.


Fire Engineering/YouTube

This month we will practice this rescue. There are several techniques that can be used. They range from very basic to a little more technical. Here’s two of the methods:

All techniques start with:1st…Inside Team packages firefighter using A-B-C technique.  2nd…Outside Team places ground ladder above window to be used for removal.
Basic with just a rope3rd…Outside Team laces life safety rope under bottom rung up and behind to rung above window.  Rope is then passed inside to Inside Team. 4th…Inside Team attaches rope to down firefighter.  Can attach to drag rescue device (DRD) or SCBA.  5th…Both teams work to drag/haul member in trouble to window and raise him/her over window sill.  Inside Team must ensure member is clear of window opening. 6th…Using the friction provided by rope over ladder rungs, the Outside Team lowers downed firefighter to ground level.
More technical with a rope, 2 carabiners, and 2 pullies3rd…Outside Team ties end of rope to top rung. 4th…Lace rope into pulley.  Inside Team attaches pulley to downed firefighter’s SCBA strap or DRD. 5th …Rope goes back up into pulley attached to 2nd rung from top and remaining rope to ground for Outside Team. 6th …Outside Team controls rope as Inside Team lifts member up from floor and guides out window.

Plan A is to bring the member in trouble out the way he or she came in but this may not be possible. This is a very basic operation that needs to be practiced. Check out the video below then GO PRACTICE!

D.C. Fire & EMS/YouTube

Tony Carroll is deputy chief of operations with the Louisa County (VA) Fire & EMS Department.  


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Mayday Monday: Rescue Options for Basement Fires

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