In Case You Missed It: December 2015 Fire Engineering Features

Our Web features this month spanned numerous disciplines in fire service training, from standpipe operations to roof ladders to structural collapse. It also included some commentary on vital topics in firefighting, including such issues as firefighter self-defense, the renewal of health care for 9/11 responders, and much more. See what you may have missed on FE in December.

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What Would You Do? School Fire


This incident occurs in a grade school. Watch this month’s fire simulation video from Skip Coleman.


Training Minutes: Four Critical Points for Standpipe Operations


In this new Training Minutes video on high-rise firefighting, Dave McGrail and company demonstrate four crucial details for accomplishing an effective hoseline stretch from a standpipe.


Firefighters and Firearms: A New Kind of PPE


What is the best way to implement a firearm policy for your fire department? Mike DeStefano suggests some places to begin.


Construction Concerns: Bolted Connections


Greg Havel reviews some of the issues presented by bolted joints in structural steel construction and things firefighters need to be aware of in these buildings.


Humpday Hangout: Fire Dynamics and Firegound Size-Up


Join Frank Ricci, P.J. Norwood, and their guests Chief Pete Vandorpe and Lieutenant Sean Gray for this informative Humpday Hangout.


The Professional Volunteer Fire Department, Part 23—Highway Safety


The professional volunteer fire department recognizes and takes the steps necessary to protect their members, other responders, and victims on scene at highway incidents, writes Thomas A. Merrill.


Training Minutes: Rescuing a Victim Trapped in a Steel Collapse


In this new Training Minutes video on technical rescue, David Rhodes and Jamey Brads review using a petrogen torch to cut a steel beam in order to remove a trapped victim.


Tips for the Future Driver/Operator


Being the operator is more than just blowing the air horn and pulling levers. The pump operator is the starting point for any working fire, writes Kyle D. Gregory.


9/11 Health Care Extension Approved


Today the House and Senate approved the budget that included the Zadroga Act. Billy Goldfeder comments on the situation and the responders who fought to renew the 9/11 health bill.


Drill: Check the Neck


Samuel Hittle’s latest drill looks at misinterpretting the actual volume of air in a SCBA cylinder, why this can happen, the effects it can have on completing fireground objectives, how it can factor into your personal well-being, and how you can prevent it from occurring.


The Battalion: Prince George’s County (MD) Fire


In this episode, The Battalion TV spends time with Prince George’s County (MD) Public Information Officer Mark Brady. Also, firefighters undertake hands-on training and deal with an apartment fire.


Star-Crossed Constellations


In December 1960, within a few days of each other, two fatal disasters occurred in New York City. On December 16, a Super Constellation  jet collided with a DC-8 jet, killing 135 people. The DC-8 disintegrated over Park Slope, Brooklyn, as the other jet plummeted and crashed on Staten Island. A few days later, a fire aboard the U.S.S. Constellation kill 50 workers and injured many more.


Throw Back to Basics: Preconnect Loads


Brian Zaitz offers this new drill that encourages firefighters to pull hose and start thinking about “why” the hose is loaded the way it is.


Suicide Is a Reality in the Fire Service


During a recent two month period in 2015, two firefighters killed themselves in Connecticut. P.J. Norwood and James Rascati reflect on these tragedies, the wider problem in the fire service, and ways to help.


Garden Apartment Fires: No Walk in the Park


Garden apartment fires may not be a walk in the park, but the well-trained fire company should be prepared for the challenge. David DeStefano shares some tips.


Video: Taking a Hydrant


The Yakima (WA) Fire Department has shared training videos it has produced on fundamental firefighting skills. The one above reviews a method for taking a hydrant.


Humpday Hangout: On-Duty Firefighters Going to the Grocery Store


What’s so wrong with going to the grocery store on duty? In this week’s Humpday Hangout, join Rick Lasky and his guests as they discuss the do’s and don’ts about going to the store or eating at a restaurant on-duty, why so many have a hard time with it, and a list of other areas we tend to get all tied up in.


Taking Command


You can have a positive effect on what your department will look like in the years to come by your willingness to nurture and motivate your firefighters, writes Thomas N. Warren.


Training Minutes: Railcar Pin Rescue Using Bottle Jack


In this new Training Minutes video, Paul DeBartolomeo and company demonstrate extricating a patient trapped under the wheels of train using a bottle jack


Firefighters vs. Firefighters


See how Prince Georges County (MD) Fire Chief Marc Bashoor is dealing with an apparent incident of violence between career and volunteer firefighters. A new commentary from Billy Goldfeder.


As I Watched


If we fail at our mission or are either hurt or killed on the job, never let it be said that it was because a lack of training, physical conditioning, or preparation., writes Chris Lorenz.


Social Media, Brotherhood and Sisterhood, and the Golden Rule


Behavior on social media is the same as behavior in real life, Brian Kazmierzak writes: treat others the way you would like to be treated.


Throw Back to Basics: Roof Ladders


Brian Zaitz returns with this drill on the proficient and sound use of these essential fireground tools.


Fire Chief Saves a Life: Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda


Billy Goldfeder recounts an incident in which a district chief in Ottawa made a lifesaving decision, and what it says about firefighter safety and fireground priorities.


Training Minutes: Overcoming Standpipe Problems


In this new Training Minutes video, Dave McGrail and Oakland (CA) Lt. Daryl Liggins discuss the effects of a broken supply line from the FDC into the building and methods to overcome this problem.


The Battalion: Florida ARFF Training


In this new episode of “The Battalion,” we travel to Florida to ride along with Tampa (FL) Fire Rescue crews setting up aircraft rescue fire fighting (ARFF) training with other area departments.


Pre-Incident Intelligence: Egress


Being familiar with alternate egress points is essential for increased survivability and supporting fireground operations, writes Eric G. Bachman.


Mayday: A ‘Dead Line’ Week for Every American Firefighter


This week is the final week that Congress will meet in 2015, and that means it’s decision time for the extension of the Zadroga 9/11 health act. Billy Goldfeder says it’s time for firefighters to take action.


Fireground Simulation: Storage Facility Fire


Check out another full-length fireground training simulation video from Scott Goodwin Associates, this one involving fire in a storage facility.


Arcadia Hotel Fire, 1913: “All Was Over in 10 Minutes”


 On December 2, 1913, 28 boarders paid the ultimate price for affordable lodgings at Boston’s Arcadia Hotel.


Throw Back to Basics: Fire Extinguishers


All firefighters should know the operation and use of their portable extinguisher, writes Brian Zaitz.


The Job: Roof Ladder Issues


In this episode of “The Job,” Frank Ricci discusses a way to overcome the problem of a roof ladder becoming stuck underneath shingles.


Humpday Hangout: Training the Next Generation of Instructors


In this week’s Humpday Hangout, Aaron Heller and his guest Trenton (NJ) Deputy Chief Lenny Carmichael discuss preparing the next generation of fire instructors and how we can mesh the newest technology/research into our training. 


Training Minutes: Stabilizing a Vehicle on Its Side


Steve White and company demonstrate using struts to stabilize a vehicle that has rolled onto its side.


What Would You Do? Shopping Mall Car Explosion


This incident occurs in a shopping mall. Two vehicles have apparently jumped the curb and plow into the entrances to the mall and an explosion and ensuing fire occur. Check out a new training simulation from Skip Coleman.


Traditions Training Group Shares Video on Ladder Drag, Raise


Sam Hittle, a Wichita (KS) Fire lieutenant and instructor with the Traditions Training group, recently shared a video showing an efficient ladder drag and tandem raise technique for a lone firefighter.


Hand entrapped in rope gripper

Elevator Rescue: Rope Gripper Entrapment

Mike Dragonetti discusses operating safely while around a Rope Gripper and two methods of mitigating an entrapment situation.
Delta explosion

Two Workers Killed, Another Injured in Explosion at Atlanta Delta Air Lines Facility

Two workers were killed and another seriously injured in an explosion Tuesday at a Delta Air Lines maintenance facility near the Atlanta airport.