Tom Cosgrove on cutting flat roofs

Training Minutes: Cutting a Flat Roof

In this firefighter training video, Tom Cosgrove of the FDNY reviews cutting a flat roof during a fire operation.
John Ceriello on fire curtain for high-rise firefighting

Training Minutes: Urban Essentials: K.O. Fire Curtain

John Ceriello discusses a device developed primarily for high-rise fires that can help an interior team more easily attack the fire.
Flow and move

Flow Parameters: Intermittent Cooling vs. Continuous Cooling

Ray McCormack compares 'Stop and Flow' and 'Flow and Move' techniques for application of water during fire attack.
gas cooling burst and solid stream deflection

The Importance of Stream Choice

Ray McCormack reviews some things firefighters must consider when selecting a hose stream for fire attack.
DICERS-VO for Extinguishment

DICERS-VO for Extinguishment

DICERS is a fire extinguishment model utilizing interior tactics to extinguish fires. Ray McCormack explains the individual aspects of this firefighting acronym.
Gabriel Angemi

Gabriel Angemi

By: Erich J. Roden Gabriel Angemi is cooler than you are. A second-generation firefighter with the Camden, N.J. Fire Department, Angemi didn’t decide to become…
Means Motive and Opportunity

Means Motive and Opportunity

By: Kevin Legacy Detectives always look at a suspect’s means, motive and opportunity (MO) when building a criminal case against him. It’s the foundation of…