Brownsburg Indiana house fire

Talkin’ Tactics: Brownsburg (IN) House Fire

Nick Salameh examines some lessons from firefighting operations conducted at a 2018 house fire in Brownsburg, Indiana.
Evanston Illinois apartment fire 2020

Talkin’ Tactics: Evanston (IL) Apartment Fire

Nick Salameh examines some fireground video from Evanston, Illinois, and considers some possible tactical lessons it has to offer.
Firefighter at Brooklyn fire

Talkin’ Tactics: Brooklyn (NY) Structure Fire

Nick Salameh takes a closer look at fireground video from a Brooklyn fire and examines some possible learning points from the incident.
Transitional attack used at fire scene

Lessons Learned from a Successful Transitional Attack

Bill Gustin examines an instance where Miami-Dade (FL) fire companies successfully employed a transitional attack to control the fire and minimize damage.
Firefighters looking at fire venting through a window

Being Aggressive Does Not Mean Being Reckless

Being aggressive means more than being first in, writes Duane Daggers. It also includes an understanding of the fireground and your role as a firefighter.

Initial Considerations for Industrial Attack

The first few minutes on scene of any emergency can make or break the outcome down the line. I

Firefighters’ Absorption of PAHs and VOCs During Controlled Residential Fires by Job Assignment and Fire Attack Tactic

Higher PAH biomarkers and benzene concentrations were found among firefighters assigned to fire attack and search operations than any other job assignment.