Firefighters conduct RIT training

Problem Solving and Company-Level Firefighter Training

As a company officer charged with training, you must develop a program that helps your team perform effectively together on the fireground to solve problems.
Dennis Reilly

Preplanning VES Operations: It’s All About the Details

Dennis Reilly provides suggestions on decisions fire departments can make before firefighters arrive on scene where they need to perform vent-enter-search.
Firefighters seen from atop a tower ladder looking down

The Essential Craft of the Training Officer: Where Preparation Meets Success

In the world of firefighting, the role of a training officer is of paramount importance. Dave McGlynn explores what it takes to excel in this critical role.
Firefighters training at FDIC International

The Firefighter Training Journey

Justin Bailey breaks down the firefighting training journey into three categories: the foundation, growth and mastery, and passing it on.
Dive rescue ops

The Last-Seen Point: An Essential for Dive Rescue Operations

It is critical that dive teams start water rescue operation from the exact point of view of a reliable witness, writes Scott Huff.
firefighter training simulation

Developing a Program as a New Training Officer

David Douget looks at various ways new training officers can create and develop their own departmental training programs.
Electric vehicle battery fires

The Rules of Engagement for Electric Vehicle Battery Fires

The fire service is underprepared for upcoming events regarding thermal runaway batteries. Now's the time to get prepared, says Tim Pillsworth.
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