firefighters forcing entry to vehicle and assembling saw

Escape Room Fire Training

Ron McNew offers an approach to company training modeled after escape rooms, where firefighters must complete a variety of tasks to advance.
Firefighters perform vertical ventilation with one firefighter holding a hook

The Halligan Hook: From the Rooftop to RIT Operations

AB Turenne discusses four methods for employing the halligan hook for rapid intervention operations to rescue a down firefighter.
David Rhodes and David Clark

In The Books: David Clark

David Rhodes talks with David Clark about his new book, Residential Firefighting: Training and Drills, his career, and what readers can expect from the new title.
Training drills in acquired structures

Acquired Structures for Running Company Drills

James Kirsch discusses pretraining steps and key skills topics for running firefighter training drills in acquired structures.
Firefighters training on interior hallway prop

Firefighter Training Drills: Interior Hallway Prop

William Off shares a training prop that can be used for a variety of fundamental firefighter training drills and scenarios.
Miami Dade firefighter training acquired structures

Creating Firefighter Training Lesson Plans, Safety Plans, and Standard Operating Guidelines

William Off provides a guide to getting started on company-level drills and training, including lesson plans, training safety plans, and standard operating guidelines.
Are You radio ready Flynn

Mayday Monday: Are You Radio Ready?

Tony Carroll offers some thoughts on radio use and the Mayday and reflects on the line-of-duty death of Howard County (MD) Lieutenant Nate Flynn.
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