Main Street to Mega Mansions

Christopher Naum offers some insights on the predictability of building performance and the adaptive fireground.
Building construction training

BuildingsonFire: Taking It To The Streets: Building Construction Training

In the first installment of a new series, host Chris Naum discusses building construction training for firefighters.
Doug Cline and Chris Naum talk part 2 commercial fireground

The Commercial Fireground, Part 2: Building Construction, MMC

Host Christ Naum and his collaborator Doug Cline continue their discussion on the commercial fireground.
Chris Naum

BuildingsonFire: Insights on Reading the Building

Chris Naum discusses building construction, reading a building, and size-up from the streets.
Chris Naum on building construction and firefighters

BuildingsonFire: Taking it to the Streets: Construction Literacy

Chris Naum offers some thoughts on the need for firefighters to have "construction literacy" while operating on today's fireground.
Chris Naum on building construction

Podcast: BuildingsonFire: Taking It to the Streets

Chris Naum provides some insights and an Introduction to the Influence of Building Construction, Occupancy Risks and Research on Command Decision-Making.
Building classifications with Chris Naum

Podcast: BuildingsonFire: Taking It to the Streets

Christopher Naum and company discuss insights on building classifications and fireground facts for building reads and size-up.