Vehicle extrication supplement

The 2023 Extrication Supplement

Download the 2023 supplement on vehicle extrication, which is bundled with the November 2023 issue of Fire Engineering magazine.
Water on the Fire supplement

The 2023 Water on the Fire Supplement

Download a copy of the 2023 Water on the Fire supplement, which comes bundled with the February 2023 issue of Fire Engineering magazine.
Firefighters in full PPE with a hoseline

The 2023 Firefighter PPE Supplement

Download the 2023 supplement on firefighter personal protective equipment (PPE), which comes bundled with the January 2023 issue of Fire Engineering magazine.
Firefighters and EMS

The 2022 FireEMS Supplement

Download the 2022 FireEMS supplement, which is bundled with the December issue of Fire Engineering magazine.
Vehicle Extrication Supplement 2021

The 2021 Vehicle Extrication Supplement

Download the 2021 vehicle extrication supplement, which comes bundled with the November 2021 issue of Fire Engineering.
Firefighters working out

The 2021 Firefighter Wellness Supplement

Download the 2021 Firefighter Wellness Supplement, which comes bundled with the September 2021 issue of Fire Engineering magazine.
Firefighters and apparatus at house fire

The 2021 Apparatus Supplement

Download the 2021 Apparatus Supplement, which comes bundled with the August 2021 edition of Fire Engineering magazine.