St. Louis firefighters at fire scene

Controlled Tactical Aggression

Individuals must effectively lead themselves before they can effectively lead others. Mike Norris on how firefighters can mitigate the effects of stress on decision making.
Indianapolis firefighter at window

Burning Out: Why ‘We Signed Up for This’ Isn’t Enough to Tackle Trauma in Firefighters

Statements like "we signed up for this" can inadvertently minimize the experiences of those firefighters affected by trauma.
Firefighter with hoseline and smoke

Suicide Safety Plans for the Fire Service

Stephanie White says now is the time to discuss the time-sensitive nature of suicide and suicide safety plans with your firefighters.
Firefighter descending the stairs

For Whom the Bell Tolls: Moral Injury in the Fire Service

Kristopher Blume looks at the nature of moral injury and the risk it poses to firefighters' health and wellness.
Five After Midnight

Podcast: Five After Midnight: Brendan Stackpole

Host Stephanie White speaks with Brendan Stackpole about his realistic approach to bringing awareness to the stress firefighters face on the job.