Anthony Kastros, Brian Brush, Stephen Marsar

Command Show: Survivability Profiling and Situational Awareness

Anthony Kastros and Brian Brush talk with Steve Marsar about situational awareness and survivability profiling.
Marsar size-up of exposures

Exposure Designations for Irregular and Odd-Shaped Buildings

Stephen Marsar looks at how firefighters ought to size up irregularly shaped buildings in their response areas.
Fire chief's driver command post

Chief’s Drivers: The Role-Players

How do I choose, solicit, attract, or select an individual for the role of the chief's driver? Stephen Marsar offers some ideas.
Fire engine pumping water

Engine Company Operations: You Have Only One Job to Do!

Stephen Marsar examines the most basic and vital task expected of every first-due engine: "Putting the wet stuff on the red stuff."

FDNY Management Team Responds to Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria

The team reports on the myriad of tasks and missions it accomplished as part of a national response to these hurricanes that occurred within weeks of each other.

The Managing Officer Program for Company Officers

The National Fire Academy’s free Managing Officer Program helps first- and mid-level career and volunteer officers and supervisors to jump-start their professional development early in their career.

Thinking About the Unthinkable

As a company officer or chief, you must consider what would happen if the unthinkable - a Mayday - were to strike someone under your command. STEPHEN MARSAR