Energy fire BESS response

Lithium-Ion Batteries, Fire Investigations, and Keeping Pace with Emerging Technologies

Learn how the Phoenix (AZ) Fire Department and its regional partners have developed standard operating procedures for battery energy storage systems.
Miami Dade firefighter training acquired structures

Creating Firefighter Training Lesson Plans, Safety Plans, and Standard Operating Guidelines

William Off provides a guide to getting started on company-level drills and training, including lesson plans, training safety plans, and standard operating guidelines.
Stephanie White

Medical Marijuana and Firefighters: Creating a Medical Marijuana Use Policy

So, you want a policy on cannabis use for your agency. Stephanie White gets tips from fire departments that have a medical marijuana policy.
Fire service court lawyers

Podcast: Fire Service Court: Ethics, Policies, and Discipline

John K. Murphy, attorney and former deputy fire chief, discusses violations of fire department policies and disciplinary processes.

Military Briefing Tools for the Fire Service

Jerry Knapp explains how the fire service can use military pointers to successfully conduct and receive briefings.
Ambulance on the roadway

Maximizing the Effectiveness of Fire-Based Ambulance Crews on the Fireground

Tim Griswold explains how the fire-based ambulance team can be an extra working company on the fireground if it is properly trained and equipped.
Command officer outside fire building

Command & Control: The Value of Scene Assignment SOPs

Anthony Avillo on how SOPs can eliminate confusion and make your fireground strategies more effective.