Women in Fire

Women in Fire: The Importance of Sleep

Host Lisa Baker discusses the importance of sleep with guests Heidi Simon, Julie Nelson, and Gabriela Whitmer.
Dena Ali and Dr Matthew Walker

Prioritizing Sleep for First Responders

Dena Ali sat down with Dr. Matthew Walker, a leading expert in sleep science, to discuss firefighters and the importance of sleep.
Firefighters at training tower

Caffeine: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Dr. Jaime Lee Tartar reviews some of the pros and cons of caffeine intake when it comes to firefighter performance.
biohackng circadian rhythms

Biohacking Firefighter Circadian Rhythms

Firefighters’ shift work is proven to disrupt circadian rhythms. Brian Crimmins on how lifestyle changes can mitigate the effects of shift work.
Allison Brager

APS Radio: Sleep Specialist Allison Brager

APS Radio host Jim Burneka talks sleep deprivation with Major Allison Brager.
Dena Ali on sleep deprivation

Sleep: A Missing Link to Cancer Prevention

If we are serious about preventing cancer among first responders, we must prioritize changing the way we view sleep. The fire service must normalize the need for sleep in the same way it has normalized the use of self-contained breathing apparatus, writes Dena Ali.
firefighter with heart in silhouette

The Sleepless Heart of the Fire Service

Jacqueline Toomey describes how a lack of sleep can affect firefighters' heart health.