The interior walls of the supermarket were all covered with fiberboards.

Brain and Fire: Thinking Under Pressure

Marc Coenen considers some of the ways fireground stress can impact firefighter decision making—for better and for worse.
Anthony Kastros, Brian Brush, Stephen Marsar

Command Show: Survivability Profiling and Situational Awareness

Anthony Kastros and Brian Brush talk with Steve Marsar about situational awareness and survivability profiling.
House on fire

Sizing Up the Search Effort

In search size-up, firefighters decide where to initiate search and target areas where victims are most likely to be found.
Jeff Bowen LODD, Asheville NC Fire Department

Mayday Monday: Situational Awareness

Review the circumstances surrounding the tragic line-of-duty death of Asheville (NC) Fire Captain Jeff Bowen and lessons learned from the incident.

Situational Awareness on the Fireground

With situational awareness, we extend the size-up concept to continually reading our environment—looking for changes that could affect the firefighting operation or our safety, writes Thomas N. Warren.

Situational Awareness and “Reading a House” Revisited

Some techniques can help you determine the layout of a home before you enter to help you make better decisions related to search and rescue and fire attack. CURTIS RICE

Mayday Monday: Situational Awareness

This week, your assignment is to go look in your area for a building that can mess with your situational awareness.