Ricky Riley, Sam Hittle, and Larry Schultz

Humpday Hangout: Fireground Performance

Ricky Riley, Samuel Hittle, and Larry Schultz of Traditions Training discuss fireground performance and why it is so crucial to success.
Bar setting for the lone firefighter

Forcible Entry for the Lone Firefighter: Setting the Bar on Outward Doors

Sam Hittle compares two approaches to single-firefighter bar setting on outward doors.
Sam Hittle forcible entry hook and halligan

Lone-Firefighter Forcible Entry Using Halligan and Hook

Sam Hittle demonstrates a single-firefighter forcible entry technique using a halligan and multipurpose hook.
Forcible entry in tight quarters

Training Tip: Forcible Entry in Tight Quarters

When operating in tight spaces, having two bars allows firefighters to trade tools with one another. Forcible entry training from Sam Hittle.

Drill: When “Through-the-Lock” Fails, Part 1

In the first of this two-part drill, Wichita (KS) Fire Department Lieutenant Samuel Hittle looks at your next move when this all-important forcible entry technique fails.

Maximizing Circular Saw Effectiveness in Forcible Entry Operations

Saw familiarity and functional discipline will result in ideal saw performance. SAMUEL HITTLE

Drill: Chocking Magnetic Locks

Wichita (KS) Fire Department Lieutenant Samuel Hittle returns with this drill that focuses on magnetic locks, which are being used increasingly on commercial properties with aluminum style doors.