DeLia data CRR

It’s Not Easy Being ‘Small’ in the Fire Service Without a Good Risk Analysis and Response Plan

When you are small, you have more attuned to firefighter safety and survival than most fire departments, writes Nicholas DeLia.
burned firefighter face piece

Defining Rescue and Risk-Managed Search for Fire Departments

The renewed emphasis on rescue begs the question: how do we define a rescue? Raul Angulo on the impact to risk management.
Firefighters seen through window

The Incident Commander and Risk Management

Dennis Reilly shares some key points that incident commanders can use to help manage risk on the fireground.

The Need for Quality Risk Analysis in “Small” Fire Departments

It is critical that fire departments take up some form of risk and hazard assessment to provide guidance for present and future needs.
Firefighters in St. Louis

Fatal Fires in St. Louis, Baltimore Expose Vacant Home Risks

St. Louis fire leaders are doing an inventory of every vacant home, while Baltimore is evaluating the city's 15,000 vacants.
Grenfell Tower Fire

Grenfell Report: Fire Service Needs to Be Proactive in Assessing Risks

A public report on the devastating 2017 Grenfell Tower Fire underscores the need for fire service leaders to better engage with emerging threats.
A firefighter applies an exterior stream at a structure fire

Interior Fire Attack: Obsolete or Indispensable?

Is interior fire attack headed for the dustbin of history? Leigh H. Shapiro argues that exterior-only tactics cut against fire service tactics and ethics.