Stephen Shaw and Ric Jorge

Perspectives on Leadership: Ric Jorge, Part 2

Stephen Shaw resumes his conversation with Rick Jorge about firefighter resiliency and Ric's story.
Dave McGlynn and Ric Jorge

Podcast: The Training Officer: Ric Jorge

Dave McGlynn talks with Ric Jorge about PTSD in the fire service and the importance of training your people on it.
Ric Jorge and Stephen Shaw

Live at FDIC: Perspectives on Leadership

Host Stephen Shaw speaks with guest Ric Jorge live from the floor of FDIC International 2023.
Sons of the Flag

Podcast: Sons of the Flag: Combating Mediocrity

Members of the Sons of the Flag discuss the group's mission to help burn survivors.
Ric Jorge: Do You Know the ‘Monster Within?’

Ric Jorge: Do You Know the ‘Monster Within?’

Ric Jorge discusses that training scars are very real, and there is a good chance they will turn into monsters” (The Monster Within) if left untreated. Just as in the case of any other exposure to tragedy, it has a side effect; the name of that side effect is PTSD.

Why I Teach: Ric Jorge

Quite by accident, Ric Jorge discovered techniques that worked extremely well to keep anxiety, intrusive thoughts, and sleeplessness in check. Now he wants to share those techniques with other fire service members.
Ric Jorge on firefighters working on the roof

Training Minutes: Ric Jorge on Roof Safety

In this firefighter training video, Ric Jorge and company demonstrate a method for securing viable working space when dealing with "steep, slippery, or sketchy" roof areas.