APS Radio: Rick Cheatham

Anaheim (CA) Fire Captain (Ret.) Rick Cheatham centers on a powerful conversation focused on forgiveness and faith.
LION Fire to Light

Ready for Action: Enhancing Firefighter Mental Readiness and Resilience

Recorded July 30, 2024 | Watch Now!
This Webcast delves into the latest strategies and preventative mental health initiatives that are specifically tailored for firefighters.
Dan DeGryse, Chris Muscle, Jason Lynch

Mental Health Monthly: Jason Lynch

Dan DeGryse and Chris Muscle speak with Jason Lynch about resiliency, how the fire service is changing, his personal journey, and how to help others.
Firefighters at extrication training

The Psychologically Healthy Fire Department

Paul Bearce and Jill Holland present a holistic approach to firefighter well-being and fire department success.
Firefighters navigates darkness inside structure with light

Firefighter Stress Resilience and Increasing Emotional Bandwidth

Dena Ali considers polyvagal theory and heart rate variability and how they might account for firefighters' emotional resilience and response to stressors.
Palm Beach County Florida firefighters respond to dumpster fire

Help, This Job Is Killing Me!

Jeremy Hurd presents some ways firefighters can deal with stress, develop coping skills, and exercise their mental fitness.
Jeremy Hurd podcast

Podcast: Chaplain’s Corner

Host Jeremy Hurd and firefighter Brandon Simmons further discuss diversity and harassment that occurs in the fire service and what each of us can do to prevent it.