Suffolk firefighters respond to house fire

Adopting a Know Before You Go Mentality for Fire Attack

Jack J. Murphy discusses how preplanning has evolved over the decades in the fire service and where firefighters need to go next.
Dennis Reilly

Preplanning VES Operations: It’s All About the Details

Dennis Reilly provides suggestions on decisions fire departments can make before firefighters arrive on scene where they need to perform vent-enter-search.
Firefighter respond to trailer home fire

Prefiring Your Most Dangerous Building

Raul Angulo relates a personal episode that illustrates the benefits of firefighters using EMS calls to preplan possible future fire scenes.
Fire EMS response to special events and planning

Preincident Planning for Special Events

This article from Ryan Murphy outlines what’s needed for an incident action plan (IAP) and an events location assessment.
Building with windows covered over

Limited Ventilation/Egress Buildings

These buildings, where the original design elements have either been covered up or built over, pose real danger to firefighters.
Know Before You Go building intelligence

Rethink Battle-Ready Intelligence

Having prior knowledge of the battleground will enhance firefighters ability to mitigate emergencies and extinguish fires in larger buildings.
Strange buildings

Did That Building Just Land from Mars? Prepping Your Building Preplans

No, that building didn't just land from Mars; it's been there for decades. So why are our firefighters unfamiliar with it?