Training Minutes: Protester Barrier Device

Mark Gregory and members of PL Vulcan Training demonstrate how to overcome an improvised barrier that chains two protesters together.
Rescuing a kid trapped in a swing

Odd Rescues Revisited: Child Stuck in a Swing

Familiarizing yourself with the playground equipment can help your crews when it comes to resuces involving trapped children.
Pat Nichols on industrial machinery rescue

Training Minutes: Extremity Caught in Machine

Pat Nichols of  P.L. Vulcan Fire Training Concepts discusses rescuing a victim who has a hand trapped in an industrial-type machine.
rescuing a victim whose hand is trapped in press

Training Minutes: Hand Trapped in Press

Mark Gregory and other members of P.L. Vulcan Fire Training Concepts demonstrate some methods of removing a victim's hand from a press using a training prop.
Tom Gies and Mark Gregory of PL Vulcan on tungsten ring removal

Training Minutes: Tungsten Ring Removal

Tom Gies and Mark Gregory of PL Vulcan examine some considerations when removing a tungsten ring from a patient.
Mark Gregory and company on rescuing a victim trapped in an auger

Training Minutes: Rescuing a Victim from Auger Entrapment, Part 2

In this “Homegrown” Training Minutes video, Mark Gregory, Jim Sandas, and other members of PL Vulcan continue their look at operational details for rescuing a victim with an extremity trapped in an auger.
Mark Gregory with auger training prop

Training Minutes: Rescuing a Victim from Auger Entrapment

Mark Gregory and company from PL Vulcan Fire Training Concepts review a training prop to train firefighters on removing a victim whose limb has become entrapped in an auger.