John K. Murphy discusses issues vehicles and controlled substances

Fire Service Court: Issued Vehicles and Controlled Substances

John Murphy discusses the legalities of department cars that are issued to individuals, and then dives into a few current issues about controlled substances on medic units.
John K. Murphy

It’s the Public’s Money

Like other organizations, fire service agencies are often targets for embezzlement. John K. Murphy discusses how to mitigate risks of theft.
John K. Murphy and Chip Comstock

Fire Service Court: Managing Records

John K. Murphy and Chip Comstock look at managing fire department records and the associated obligations and liabilities.
John K. Murphy

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Fire Service

DEI training is not litigation prevention training. It is a method to train your fighters about other members of your organization.
Fire Service Court with John K. Murphy

Podcast: Fire Service Court

John K. Murphy looks at legal issues in the fire service, including FLSA and more.
John K. Murphy

Fire Chief Liabilities and Avoiding Legal Pitfalls

The chief’s position has numerous leadership perils. John K. Murphy offers some pointers for fire chiefs on navigating these narrow straits.
John K. Murphy

Waivers of Liability: Helpful or Harmful?

A waiver created for your fire department operations must contain clear and unambiguous language to protect your organization from liability.