The blind leading the blind

Decision Theory for the Fire Service

Do incident commanders have what it takes to question their fundamental perception of an incident? Marc Coenen on why this needs to happen—and how to do so.
Mayday training firefighters with a hoseline

Commanding the Mayday: The Intersection of Training, Preparation, and Everyday Leadership

James Purdom reflects on a Mayday his firefighters experienced and three reasons his fire department was successful in mitigating the situation.
Indianapolis firefighters operate at the scene of a working apartment fire with possible entrapment

Why Your Fire Department Needs an Incident Safety Officer

Are lives unintentionally put at risk by not having an incident safety officer on scene? Bruce Lake offers his take on the issue.
Anthony Kastros, Brian Brush, Stephen Marsar

Command Show: Survivability Profiling and Situational Awareness

Anthony Kastros and Brian Brush talk with Steve Marsar about situational awareness and survivability profiling.
Tom Dune major fire

‘Whaddya Got?’ The Art of Relieving Command on the Fireground

Properly conducted, the process of relieving command can supplement the size-up, be a training opportunity for the initial IC, and create a safer fireground.
Firefighters seen through window

The Incident Commander and Risk Management

Dennis Reilly shares some key points that incident commanders can use to help manage risk on the fireground.