Georgetown kentucky fire in a storage unit

Fires in Storage Unit Facilities Pose Risk of Victims

Tim Thompson recounts lessons learned from a series of fires in storage unit facilties, one with devastating consequences.
homes in disrepair

Protecting the Community Through Code Enforcement

Tim Thompson offers best practices for introducing or increasing code enforcement into communities.

Names in the News: July 23, 2023

Dedicated to the latest promotions and other news within the fire service.

Names in the News: February 5, 2023

This bi-weekly series is dedicated to the latest promotions and other news within the fire service.

Fire Investigation and the First-Arriving Company

Fire investigations might not have the same thrill as being first on scene, but you’re failing your community if they are not prioritized.
Flames tear through a heavy timber residential style barn

Supervising Fire Investigation Units

Steven J. Avato and Richard D. Gundert explain how a fire department’s fire investigation unit supervisors and investigators can work together to maximize efficiency.
Grenfell Tower Fire

Grenfell Report: Fire Service Needs to Be Proactive in Assessing Risks

A public report on the devastating 2017 Grenfell Tower Fire underscores the need for fire service leaders to better engage with emerging threats.