Doug Cline and Wayne Jones

Fire and Training: The Why Before the How

Doug Cline speaks with Wayne Jones about how instructors and company officers must adjust how they train in order to reach the newest generation of firefighters. 
firefighters holding up paper cups

Stop Teaching the Way You Were Taught

Jennifer Stanislaw says it's time for fire instructors to consider a different approach to firefighter education and training.
Firefighter clinging to a tree branch

Drawn by Fire: April 2024

Check out an illustration from Paul Combs from the April 2024 edition of Fire Engineering magazine.
Firefighters hand a down firefighter out a simulated window during training

Motivation and the Training Mindset

How can firefighters turn moments of inspiration into life-changing habits? Dana Larkin looks at motivation and the passion for learning.
Mike Ciampo training at FDIC International 2023

The Fire Instructor’s Role in Preventing ‘Friendly Fire’ Training Events

The training officer must ensure that all your firefighters have a safe, educational experience and that no harm comes to those under your care.
firefighter training division

Enhance Your Firefighter Training Opportunities Through Relationships

Developing and using municipal and business relationships in your area can help supplement tight training budgets, says Jim Stevenson.
Phil Jose

Fire Instructor Development: Your First Classroom Session

So, you’ve decided to become a fire service instructor; where do you go from here? Phil Jose offers some experience-based tips.
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