Georgetown kentucky fire in a storage unit

Fires in Storage Unit Facilities Pose Risk of Victims

Tim Thompson recounts lessons learned from a series of fires in storage unit facilties, one with devastating consequences.
homes in disrepair

Protecting the Community Through Code Enforcement

Tim Thompson offers best practices for introducing or increasing code enforcement into communities.
Pauley on fire investigation

Health and Safety Awareness for Fire Investigators

Although preventing firefighter cancer has been a foremost health and safety issue in the fire service, fire investigators exposure to carcinogens has been largely overlooked.
Ron Kanterman

Fire Prevention and Firefighter Safety Go Together

Code enforcement action taken while conducting fire inspections will have a positive impact on firefighter safety.
NFA Seeks Student to Pilot Fire Inspection Principles Courses

NFA Seeks Student to Pilot Fire Inspection Principles Courses

The U.S. Fire Administration's National Fire Academy needs students to help pilot test the two new 6-day courses in the Fire Inspection Principles series. 
Legal Minute: Fire Inspections

Legal Minute: Fire Inspections

Why do we perform fire inspections? Retired deputy fire chief and attorney John K. Murphy discusses the legal aspects of conducting fire inspections.
Providence (RI) Fire Inspections Records Out of Date

Providence (RI) Fire Inspections Records Out of Date

Many bars and nightclubs in Providence, Rhode Island, do not have current fire inspections on file, despite the glaring example of The Station nightclub fire 10 years ago, which killed 100 people and injured another 200 in West Warwick.