Marketing Your Fire Department

Marketing Your Fire Department

There are many ways to market your fire department. The most important step to getting started is the first one, writes Bruce Garner.
Fire Service Marketing

Fire Service Marketing

If the fire service intends to change the way it is looked at by an increasingly critical public, firefighters need first to change how they look at themselves, Tim Hyden writes.
At the Crossroad: Fire Service Marketing and the Strategic Plan

At the Crossroad: Fire Service Marketing and the Strategic Plan

A scene from the 1939 movie classic The Wizard of Oz has Dorothy making her way along the Yellow Brick Road when she comes to a crossroad. Being unsure of which direction to take, she is offered assistance from the Scarecrow, who, of course, provides little in the way of useful information. Fortunately, they choose the correct path and make it to their destination. The journey, however, is filled with twists, turns, and a few characters intent on impeding their progress. When compared with today’s fire service, this scene seems almost reminiscent of the types of decision-making challenges we encounter in our day-to-day operations. The big difference is that we are obviously dealing with the real thing, not fantasy.
How Are YOU Marketing MY Fire Service?

How Are YOU Marketing MY Fire Service?

Jerry Wells discusses how firefighters wearing T-shirts and other paraphernalia that endorse negative images of the fire service affects the public's perception of what we do. In a profession where public image is everything, this type of advertising is badly damaging to firefighters' collective reputation.


The fire service, like other professions, has a tendency to follow trends. We sometimes do things because they are the "thing to do" at a particular given time. Some departments become trendsetters when they develop plans and solutions to certain fire service problems and truly effect change for the better.
To Market, To Market

To Market, To Market

Bill Manning describes how a successful tower crane rescue in Atlanta led to a big breakthrough for the local union.


I recently was a participant in a workshop exploring the probability of an organization’s producing universal tactical suggestions as an aid to marketing its starting problems. One participant stated that “ many instances, levels of personnel intervention and commitment are inappropriate to the size and/or degree of involvement or risk that is evident on our arrival.”