Firefihgter on photo during rescue

Drawn by Fire

Check out a new illustration from Paul Combs featured in the September 2023 issue of Fire Engineering magazine.
Fire Engineering Editor in Chief David Rhodes

Many Have Forgotten That We Will Never Forget

Although public support for firefighters has waned in the decades after the 9/11 attacks, our members keep showing up and doing good.

Maximizing Your Own Harness

If firefighters understand the simple capabilities of our own integrated harnesses, we can quickly put them to use in a variety of scenarios.
Firefighters operating a hoseline

The Backstep

Without a well-trained and experienced crew, stretching and operating a hoseline can be a disaster when faced with difficult circumstances.
Swifwater rescue

SWIFTWATER: Key to Command and Control at Water Rescues

Effective command and control of swiftwater rescue involves 10 steps. Greg Merrell provides a mnemonic for incident commanders.

Apparatus Deliveries: September 2023

Check out some recent fire apparatus deliveries from the September issue of Fire Engineering magazine.
Dive rescue ops

The Last-Seen Point: An Essential for Dive Rescue Operations

It is critical that dive teams start water rescue operation from the exact point of view of a reliable witness, writes Scott Huff.