Fire chief's car off the cliff

Drawn by Fire: Driver’s Seat Legacy

What will your legacy be? Check out Paul Combs's illustration from the March 2022 issue of Fire Engineering Magazine.
Bobby Halton

The Prison of Two Ideas

Two ideas can exist at the same time. Bobby Halton on the dangers of binary thinking for firefighters.
Firefighter in smoke

Putting ‘Fire Location’ Back into the Search Function: Accounting for Truck Company Operations

Ladder or truck companies should always be engaged in search. But how to translate this to systems that lack dedicated truck companies?
Large apartment fire

Conflagrations in Very Large Apartment Complexes

Fires in very large apartment complexes represent extraordinary challenges for many fire departments. Drew Smith on some tactical considerations.
Firefighters on a rope searching

Tagging and Extending a ‘Blind’ VES

Alexander Degnan offers tips to firefighters who may find themselves needing to search for victims in an IDLH atmosphere that offers almost no visibility.
Construction sign

Response to High-Rise Buildings Under Construction

Jack J. Murphy and Jerry Tracy review fire response to building construction sites and considerations for firefighters on scene.
Firefighter with flames

The Efficient and Effective Truck Company: House Fires

Steve Faulkner gives this overview of truck company responsibilities and tactics as well as how to best approach search ops.