Firefighters flowing water from tower ladder bucket

Alternate Water Strategies—Truck Style

Knowing all the capabilities of your apparatus allows you to perform multiple functions on the fireground, says Mike Ciampo.
Indianapolis firefighters train on ARFF response

Preparedness of Non-ARFF Municipal Crews Responding to Aircraft Accidents

Madeline R. Casper has best practices for fire departments in the response areas of local airports for any accidents that may occur.
Firefighters PPE and PFAS

Hacking Your PFAS Exposure

Certain protocols can effectively minimize a firefighter’s exposure to harmful per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) chemicals.
Hazmat model

RAPID HazMat for Safe and Quick Response

The RAPID HazMat model is designed to change the mindset of firefighters and teams operating at hazmat incidents.
Ontario Sutphen fire apparatus

Apparatus Deliveries: November 2022

Check out some recent deliveries from the November 2022 issue, including this Sutphen aerial platform for the Owen Sound (ON) Fire Department.
Firefighter with helmet

Product Showcase: November 2022

Check out some firefighting products featured in the November 2022 issue of Fire Engineering magazine.
Detroit firefighters after fire and structural collapse

FE Volume 175 Issue 11

Check out firefighter taining articles from the November 2022 edition of Fire Engineering magazine.