Forewarned Is Forearmed: Preparing for Fire Weather in the WUI

Wildland Urban Interface ❘ By THOMAS W. AURNHAMMER The three factors that have the most impact on wildland fire behavior…

Letters to the Editor: August 2019

Letters to the Editor from our August 2019 issue.
The Call for Altered Mental Status: A Challenge for First Responders

The Call for Altered Mental Status: A Challenge for First Responders

Eric Bergman explains the some of the common causes of delirium in patients and the treatment protocols that may be indicated, including advanced life support if needed and not on scene.
Company/Association News: August 2019

Company/Association News: August 2019

See some updates from fire service associations and companies.

The Power of Diversity: It May Not Be What You Think!

Eddie Buchanan explains some ways diversity can be used as a tool for advancing fire departments and for adapting to the changing organizational and community culture.
Frank Viscuso

Change Is the Only Constant

Change is the only constant, and the attitude of a fire service leader toward it is crucial. Most firefighters hate change. Your attitude towards change can tremendously influence the outcome. Frank Viscuso offers some tips on how to manage change successfully.