Eating Away a Threat

Eating Away a Threat

Goats help a Colorado town mitigate wildland understory to reduce fire severity.
The Roaring Lion: Strategies for Community Preplanning for WUI Incidents

The Roaring Lion: Strategies for Community Preplanning for WUI Incidents

Strategies for working with the community to preplan for wildland-urban incidents.
Eight Ways Fire Officers Must Communicate

Eight Ways Fire Officers Must Communicate

Consistent communication is the single greatest determinant of a fire officer’s effectiveness. Eight ways officers can communicate to firefighters are offered.
Questions to Ask Potential Leaders

Questions to Ask Potential Leaders

Thomas E. Poulin explains why certain questions pertaining to leadership should be part of the testing process for promotion in the fire service and that responsibilities and required skills increase and change as leaders move up the promotional ladder.
What to Tell the Chief

What to Tell the Chief

The decisions the chief makes are only as good as the information he already has and whatever new information he gathers at the incident scene. As a student, he has prepared as much as possible from books, classes, and experience. When responding to and operating at an incident, he uses senses to gather additional information. But his most important information sources are the firefighters operating at the scene.