
Writing this 100th column, I realize I'll never remember every incident I responded to, the experience gained and lessons learned from each run.
Company/Association News

Company/Association News

The MASSACHUSETTS FIREFIGHTING ACADEMY (MFA), a division of the state Department of Fire Services (DFS), announced David Evans as its new director. Evans is deputy…
Coming Events

Coming Events

NOVEMBER 2-5, 2017 Colorado EMS Conference. Keystone, Colorado. Sponsor: Emergency Services Association of Colorado. Contact: (800) 889-5690, (303) 317-6511. Fax: (303) 200-7099. Web site: http://www.emsac.org/conference.…

Thinking Like an Incident Commander

You may have to step up and accept the taxing position of making difficult decisions under stressful situations. Will you be ready to think like an incident commander? THOMAS DUNNE

Interior Exposure Protection: a Neglected Tactic

The interior exposures can be adjacent spaces, stairs, foyers, and corridors for alternate egress - and all must be protected while initial companies are operating in the fire building. JASON HOEVELMANN

Securing Portable Ladders’ Streams: the Hose Strap

If you must operate a handheld hoseline from a portable ladder, a high-risk/low-frequency operation, use a hose strap to combat the charged line's weight, gravity, and nozzle reaction forces. JACK HUESTON