Selection and Use of Ballistic Protection for Fire and EMS Personnel

As fire and EMS personnel become increasingly exposed to scenes of violence, there has been a push toward these agencies acquiring body armor.
More Power Goofs

More Power Goofs

Last month I related a story that involved a young cadet assigned as my airport chauffeur (after I taught a seminar in his department) telling me about his ongoing observations about his chief.

Fires Involving Roofs

Members of the Chicago (IL) Fire Department responded to a report of a fire involving the roof of a building built in 1905.
Responses to Energy Storage Systems

Responses to Energy Storage Systems

Green energy is emerging and, with it, a new power source; thus, there are risks involved.
Sprinklers and Firefighting

Sprinklers and Firefighting

In the January 2015 issue of Fire Engineering, there were two articles referencing the interaction of automatic fire sprinklers with the manual suppression efforts of firefighters. The advice given in these articles is conflicting.
Organizational Plan Increases Efficiency on All EMS Calls

Organizational Plan Increases Efficiency on All EMS Calls

It was setting up to be a busy morning. A major wreck on the highway was already tying up most of the city's fire and emergency medical services (EMS) resources. 
Art, Reality, and Influence

Art, Reality, and Influence

I received the following note from a firefighter who was concerned about an advertisement's artistic depiction of firefighters who were dirty from firefighting....