Firefighters during Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy in Photos

How can you describe the fear, suffering, anguish, extreme exhaustion, and utter devastation that civilians and responders alike experienced from an event of this magnitude?
FDNY Assists with Odd Job in the PATH Tubes

FDNY Assists with Odd Job in the PATH Tubes

On Saturday November 3, 2012, five days after Hurricane Sandy flooded New York City (NYC), the chief of rescue operations was directed by the Fire Department of New York (FDNY) chief of operations to respond to the Exchange Place PATH station in Jersey City, New Jersey, to evaluate the water condition in the PATH Tubes running from Jersey City to the World Trade Center (WTC).
Working the Streets Rapid Response Vehicle Operations

Working the Streets Rapid Response Vehicle Operations

The Fire Department of New York (FDNY) 25 Special Operations Command (SOC) Rapid Response Vehicles (RRVs) would be doing their share of the work during and in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy's massive destruction throughout the city.
FDNY Swift Water Rescue Operations

FDNY Swift Water Rescue Operations

The Fire Department of New York (FDNY) Special Op-erations Command (SOC) for the past couple of years has been preparing its members to respond to another major disaster in New York City (NYC).
Sandy “Toughest Test” for New York and New Jersey Responders

Sandy “Toughest Test” for New York and New Jersey Responders

Hurricane. Superstorm. Cyclone. Frankenstorm. The name of the storm that struck the East Coast at the end of October 2012 may vary, but there is no doubt that it was a momentous event that delivered more disastrous results than some weather experts predicted and that surprised even veteran emergency personnel.