Protecting and Preventing 24/7, 365

Protecting and Preventing 24/7, 365

Over the years, the fire serv- ice has provided much more in terms of service than extinguishing fires; and between terrorism and Mother Nature's fury, we can all expect to do more.
What the Fire Protection Engineer Didn’t Tell You

What the Fire Protection Engineer Didn’t Tell You

Many firefighters' experience with fire sprinklers is limited to the residential setting with fires in apartments.
Company/Association News

Company/Association News

The National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF) presented the Seal of Excellence Award to the RALEIGH (NC) FIRE DEPARTMENT and CHIEF JOHN McGRATH.


VSTEP's RESCUESIM is in use by the Dutch Railways (NS) to train its personnel in tunnel evacuation procedures and railway incident management.
Fire Safety Education for Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Fire Safety Education for Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Most individuals in American society have received some sort of fire safety education in school, on television, or from some other source.
Stucco Wall Fires: Check All Electrical Sources

Stucco Wall Fires: Check All Electrical Sources

On Thursday, January 12, 2012, 12 Albuquer-que (NM) Fire Department (AFD) companies responded to a two-story multiresidential structure fire.
Developing Response Guidelines for Fires in Vacant Buildings

Developing Response Guidelines for Fires in Vacant Buildings

Every year, numerous firefighters are injured or killed fighting fires in vacant and derelict buildings.