The Harrison (OH) Fire Department has in service two PIERCE apparatus: a pumper/tanker and a quint.
(October 2012)

(October 2012)

The July 2012 issue of Fire Engineering had several articles on leadership that inspired me to share some of my thoughts.
NSEFO, CFSI issue Firefighter Code of Ethics

NSEFO, CFSI issue Firefighter Code of Ethics

To offer fire service leaders guidance in resolving complex ethical issues that may emerge in local fire and emergency medical service (EMS) organizations, the National Society of Executive Fire Officers (NSEFO) and the Congressional Fire Services Institute (CFSI) have released the Firefighter Code of Ethics.
Safety in the Medevac Landing Zone

Safety in the Medevac Landing Zone

Safety on the fireground is instilled in each firefighter from the beginning of probie school to the day of retirement.
Don’t Throw Out Your Skinny Ties

Don’t Throw Out Your Skinny Ties

Being firefighters, most of us wore one uniform or another for our entire lives; consequently, most of us have a very limited fashion sense.
Names in the News

Names in the News

SENATOR JOSEPH LIEBERMAN (I-CT) received the Congressional Fire Services Institute's 2012 Legislator of the Year Award at a special presentation ceremony at the Wallingford (CT) Fire Department.