FDIC 2010 Apparatus Displays Have a “Green” Theme

FDIC 2010 Apparatus Displays Have a “Green” Theme

Last year at FDIC, the apparatus theme in Lucas Oil Stadium and the Indiana Convention Center exhibit halls was “economy” apparatus. Although economy rigs were still prominently featured at FDIC 2010, a larger focus was on more environmentally friendly and more economically operating apparatus.
Hey, Where Are You?

Hey, Where Are You?

Going to the floor above the fire floor is always a dangerous activity. Often the conditions on the floor are very dangerous and punishing because of the natural tendencies of heat, smoke, and gases to rise. The fire could be hidden and extend vertically up the wall studs, pipe recesses, and shafts or horizontally across the ceiling or floor joists bays; it could also autoexpose to the floor above through the windows. Prior to going to the floor above, the inside team should inform the firefighters operating on the fire floor that it is proceeding to the floor above. It is especially important that the engine company advancing the hoseline knows that firefighters are operating on the floor above. If a length of hose bursts, there is loss of water, or the fire is too large to continue with an aggressive interior attack and the engine company members pull back the line to safety, they must ensure that the firefighters operating on the floor above aren’t stranded or unprotected.


FERRARA FIRE APPARATUS, INC. announced that the Fire Department of New York City (FDNY) has added ten more Ferrara aerial ladders to its fleet. Coupled with the multiunit heavy rescue project, Ferrara Fire Apparatus now has contracts with the City of New York totaling more than $24 million. The vehicles are designed around the Ferrara LP-102—a low-profile, rear-mount aerial ladder. The new aerial trucks will be built on Ferrara custom chassis, featuring a stainless-steel split-tilt cab, a four-section rear-mount aerial ladder, and a stainless-steel body. The trucks will be built to accommodate New York City’s congested streets and to easily fit into the FDNY’s many historic fire stations.
“Firefighter Ergonomics” Enhance Equipment Performance

“Firefighter Ergonomics” Enhance Equipment Performance

Whether it’s a small rural fire department replacing much-needed equipment or an urban fire department buying every toy known to man just so it can say that it has it, hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars are spent purchasing fire service equipment each day. And often, one aspect often overlooked during these purchases is what I call “Firefighter Ergonomics.”
Responding to a Clandestine Drug Laboratory

Responding to a Clandestine Drug Laboratory

If your agency is dispatched to what might be a clandestine drug laboratory (clan lab), would you know how to recognize one and safeguard your safety? What would happen if your responders found one during routine activities?
Are We Our Own Worst Enemies?

Are We Our Own Worst Enemies?

Have you ever felt that we firefighters are our own worst enemies? Have you ever heard the members talking about “how” and “why” we don’t get this or that? Sometimes, it’s eye-opening to listen to what firefighters say around the kitchen table or in the watch room. The talk will revolve around how this company can or can’t do this or that and how the members need to train more. They’ll talk about how administration is putting out more memos or directives and is killing them with paperwork. They will finally digress to how “they” are micromanaging them to death and how “they” don’t trust “us.”
The Hazards of Grow Houses

The Hazards of Grow Houses

The environment favorable for growing marijuana indoors can be a very dangerous environment for firefighters when a fire occurs in a “grow house.” The term “grow house” is misleading because it implies that marijuana growing occurs only in detached private dwellings, which is hardly the case. For example, one or two rooms in apartments are commonly converted to a grow house to produce a small crop. Conversely, some of the largest and most productive grow houses are located in rented warehouse bays (photo 1). For this article, a grow house refers to any indoor marijuana-growing operation.