Women accepted in Spanish fire service

Women accepted in Spanish fire service

Bobby Halton’s “We Have a Seat for Everyone at the Table” (Editor’s Opinion, February 2010) made me look immediately for the keyboard. I doubt that U.S. males are any more “macho” than Spanish males. Spaniards have a centuries’ old tradition of being more macho than any other males on the face of the planet. This “macho-hispano- celtiberico” (historical ascendancy of Spaniards over some 4,000 years) hasn’t been a great obstacle to the incorporation of women into the Spanish fire service, although it hasn’t made the road any smoother, either.
SOP for Command Function #1

SOP for Command Function #1

We have been discussing both standard operating procedures (SOPs) and command functions for a while in our ongoing “Unplugged” discourse, so I thought it would make sense to present an example of the SOP for Command Function #1. This is a short, simple version that fits on one side of a 3×5 card. Wow! What an idea. The incident commander (IC) can carry an actual SOP in his shirt pocket rather than bury it somewhere in a big fat “Disaster Plan” notebook with two-inch rings that sits eternally unused on a lonely bookshelf in the battalion chief’s (BC) office.
Recognizing and Treating Crush Syndrome

Recognizing and Treating Crush Syndrome

The recent 7.0-magnitude earthquake in Haiti trapped thousands under the rubble of collapsed buildings. News media reported dramatic rescues and raised questions about those who remained buried awaiting rescue. Victims who were located and freed face a long and difficult path to recovery because of the complications that often arise after a crush injury.
USFA’s Cochran cites women firefighters’ contributions

USFA’s Cochran cites women firefighters’ contributions

Joining with those heralding the contributions of women to our nation during Women’s History Month (March), U.S. Fire Administrator Kelvin Cochran asked his fellow fire service leaders to join him in “celebrating the contributions of all women, past and present, in the American Fire Service.


PELICAN PRODUCTS, INC.contributed $100,000 worth of headlamps and flashlights to the Haiti earthquake relief effort. The in-kind donation will help aid and assist rescuers, volunteers, and emergency response teams in their relief efforts. Emergency triage shelters are without lighting, so headlamps allow doctors to treat patients in completely dark locations. Emergency response teams are also using Pelican™ cases to transport and carry supplies to Haiti. Pelican cases are watertight, crushproof, and dustproof. A link to the American Red Cross donation page has been added to the company’s homepage.


Kussmaul Electronics Co.’s new AUTO CHARGE STATUS CENTER, MODEL 091-189-12 is a universal indicator that reads battery voltage and the battery’s condition through LEDs. In addition to the LED status indicators, a three-digit indicator displays the battery voltage. The unit is designed to be mounted on a vehicle’s exterior so as to readily indicate the battery condition. The indicator fits Kussmaul standard indicator panel cut outs, and comes with a three-year warranty.