Ground Ladder Tactic for Below Grade Access

Ground Ladder Tactic for Below Grade Access

Tactical success in firefighting requires mastering a variety of skill sets that may be simple or complex, involve individual tasks or team operations, or be support functions or critical to mission success. The emergency scene is dynamic and uncertain, often requiring us to do more than basic fundamental operations. We often must improvise and adapt to succeed, finding a way to apply standard skills to nonstandard applications. Competence in the fundamentals better prepares us to handle the unexpected, enabling us to adapt our skills to solve a broader range of unusual situations and to achieve operational success.
Truck company tools

Truck Company Tools Across the Country

Across the country, firefighters use different tools to perform truck company operations. Mike Ciampo has an overview.
Wind-Driven Fire Research: Hazards and Tactics

Wind-Driven Fire Research: Hazards and Tactics

Fires in high-rise buildings create unique safety challenges for building occupants and firefighters. Smoke and heat spreading through the corridors and the stairs of a building during a fire can limit building occupants’ ability to escape and can also limit firefighters’ ability to rescue them. In 2002, there were 7,300 reported fires in high-rise structures (buildings of seven stories or higher). Most of these high-rise fires occurred in residential occupancies such as apartment buildings. In fires that originated in apartments, 92 percent of the civilian fatalities occurred in incidents in which the fire spread beyond the room of origin.


The Clinton City (UT) Fire Department uses this SMEAL quint to protect a primarily residential area that has had a rapid increase in commercial and light industrial properties, says Assistant Chief Guido Smith. It is used as an engine or a truck as the operation dictates. The long ladder addresses setbacks and the truck is first-out on in-city alarms for automatic alarms and structure fires.


FIREMAN’S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY and its employees have donated $94,496 to the American Red Cross to support Haiti relief and redevelopment efforts. Since the earthquake, employees made individual donations to the American Red Cross totaling $47,248; Fireman’s Fund matched that amount, and made a total donation of $94,496 to the American Red Cross Haiti Relief and Development Fund. Following the earthquake, Fireman’s Fund pledged to match any employee donation up to $1,000 per person to the American Red Cross.
Legal and Psychological Effects of Workplace Harassment

Legal and Psychological Effects of Workplace Harassment

As firefighters, we thrive on action. We are problem solvers, priding ourselves on working through problems and issues, particularly when called to assist complete strangers, regardless of the hour. We jump on our rigs and arrive at incidents to provide the highest level of service and professionalism to our community. Our question is: Do we provide this high level of service and professionalism to each other?