Remove the Balusters

Remove the Balusters

It was one of those mornings: working overtime on an engine and just backing in from our third medical run of the day.
Realistic Vent-Enter-Search Training

Realistic Vent-Enter-Search Training

Vent-enter-search (VES) is an extremely aggressive and potentially dangerous tactic that only well-trained and experienced outside vent teams should use when the risk vs. reward is deemed appropriate.
When an “Expert” Challenges Your Operations

When an “Expert” Challenges Your Operations

Every once in awhile, a resident who claims to be an expert in the field challenges the fire department.
Recruiting New Hires

Recruiting New Hires

The process of hiring new firefighters has changed since I entered the fire service.
We Play the Way We Practice

We Play the Way We Practice

For the past couple of col-umns, we have been looking at a simple, basic performance management model.
Legal actions involving trusses

Legal actions involving trusses

While discussing the collapse hazards truss-constructed buildings create for firefighting crews, especially those engaged in interior operations, a civilian inquired as to whether any fire service organization or the survivors of a firefighter killed or seriously injured in the line of duty in a truss-constructed building had ever taken legal action against the manufacturer of these engineered products.
New Boss, New Rules

New Boss, New Rules

A firefighter friend of mine borrowed some of my fire service textbooks a few years ago to study for a test.