Two Hands, Two Tools

Two Hands, Two Tools

Sizing up the building’s rear with a halligan tool on a fire alarm call, the truck firefighters noticed water running out the back door.
Reducing Firefighter Vehicle Crash Fatalities

Reducing Firefighter Vehicle Crash Fatalities

The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).


I have recently become aware of several instances where a line-of-duty death occurred and firefighters were ordered not to give any reports or make any statements to the media concerning the incident.


SPERIAN FIRE announced that it is donating a combined $100,000 to the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation and the Canadian Fallen Firefighters Foundation to increase awareness and support for these foundations.
Post-Blast Response to Explosions

Post-Blast Response to Explosions

Post-blast (or post-detonation) response takes place after an explosion has occurred.
Exiting the IDLH environment

Exiting the IDLH environment

We feel compelled to respond to comments by Battalion Chief (Ret.) Chuck Smeby in Letters to the Editor (Fire Engineering, March 2009).
Going to the Next Level of a Safety Culture

Going to the Next Level of a Safety Culture

The burning question over the past few years has been “How can we achieve greater fireground safety?” There’s nothing more essential to protecting the lives of the citizens we swore to protect that is more important on the fireground than firefighter safety.