Who Had the Nozzle?

Who Had the Nozzle?

Arriving with fire out one window on the third floor of a six-story multiple dwelling, the truck company made its way up to the fire apartment and began to force entry into the apartment.
What goes around, comes around

What goes around, comes around

Thanks to Captain Larry Collins for “More Rapid Intervention: ‘Grab and Go’ Turnout Handles” (Fire Engineering, February 2009) and the work behind it.
The Problem: No Money!

The Problem: No Money!

There is not a department in America that is not feeling the effects of the current national economic conditions.
When Technology Fails

When Technology Fails

I was surprised by the response this month. Of the 31 responses, only eight (25 percent) said their department had developed plans for such failures; five said their departments had no plans; 18 said nothing concerning their department’s plans.
Sometimes Technology Is Not the Answer

Sometimes Technology Is Not the Answer

A disturbing trend has emerged as many American cities have consolidated their dispatching and communications functions and invested in new technologies.


The Turn of River Fire Department in Stamford, Connecticut, designed this HME heavy rescue truck with a nonwalk-in body to provide added inventory space.
A Ready/Aim/Fire Change Plan

A Ready/Aim/Fire Change Plan

Last month I described my experiences with two projects that involved a big dose of organizational change.