The Professor

The Professor

Photo 1: Rooftop turbines are becoming increasingly common on structures, including this gasoline station pump island roof.
Achieving a Just Fire Service

Achieving a Just Fire Service

It is extremely difficult to recognize someone’s skills and abilities if we are unfamiliar with the difficulty of their work.
Tip of a Straight-Stick Aerial

Tip of a Straight-Stick Aerial

This month’s Roundtable concerns operating on straight-stick aerials.
More Change Lessons

More Change Lessons

Last month I began a DISCUSsion on the dynamics of fire service change. I may have sounded a bit cynical in my description of how Engine One (where I was assigned for 10 years) reacts to organizational change.
Names in the News

Names in the News

The SOCIETY OF FIRE PROTECTION ENGINEERS (SFPE) announced Richard J. Davis as its new president for 2009.


The Bayou Cane Fire Protection District in Houma, Louisiana, uses this FERRARA quint as a first-response ladder in its district, which has a concentration of commercial and retail businesses and schools, explains Chief Jerry Gautreaux.
Back to Basics: Traction Splinting

Back to Basics: Traction Splinting

From the first day of EMT school, most of us can’t wait to get our hands on the equipment.