Mass Decon

Mass Decon

September 11, 2001, has changed the fire service profoundly, not only in the United States but also around the world. New words (or words that were seldom used before), procedures, tools, and policies have been developed and implemented.
People Problems

People Problems

Fire department personnel work with many other departments and agencies, both in government and in the private sector. This includes police agencies, financial people, and those in public works. Members also interact with hospitals, schools, and private ambulance companies. This is by no means a complete list but a start to help indicate the increasing complexity of interpersonal relationships that are important to providing quality service. With so many people involved and the variety of personalities you will likely encounter, you would have to be quite naïve to think that there will never be any conflicts in the course of performing your duties.
Patient Care During Extrication

Patient Care During Extrication

Scenario: You and your partner are just starting a 24-hour shift on Medic 2. While you are checking out the truck, the tones sound and the dispatcher’s voice comes over the loudspeaker: “Engine 2, Medic 2, Medic 3, respond for a motor vehicle accident (MVA) at 4th and Main.”
Garden Apartment and Townhouse Fires

Garden Apartment and Townhouse Fires

In the late 1800s and early 1900s, when housing was in incredible demand, a common approach was to build multiple-dwelling type structures. These structures were nonfire-resistive in construction and presented firefighters with hot, smoky fires and a serious life hazard.
The Pierce Ultimate Configuration

The Pierce Ultimate Configuration

Anyone who spends any time thinking seriously about how firefighters can be more effective knows that as firefighters are asked to do more, apparatus are asked to carry more. Conditions demand even greater vehicle maneuverability. Whether navigating the crowded streets of a large city or the rugged terrain of a rural landscape, getting to the scene—and identifying and setting up at the optimal location once there—is more challenging than ever.
Apparatus Deliveries

Apparatus Deliveries

The Clemson (SC) University Fire EMS Department designed this SEAGRAVE Meanstick to run as an engine with ladder and waterway capability, explains Captain Don Collins. The ladder reaches the top of all but three buildings in the district. The apparatus protects the university and the city of Clemson on mutual aid.
The Ban on Body Ink

The Ban on Body Ink

The Los Angeles (CA) Fire Department (LAFD) has adopted a policy that prohibits firefighters from displaying tattoos while they are on duty. Firefighters with exposed tattoos on their arms are required to wear long-sleeve shirts; those with neck tattoos are required to cover the area with bandages. Media reports suggest that approximately 200 firefighters who cannot cover their tattoos with the standard uniform have been affected.