Fire extinguisher in hallway

Hospital Fire Safety: RACE for the Extinguisher and PASS on It!

Hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes are target hazards posing a considerable risk to occupants because of the large numbers and nonambulatory nature of these facilities’ residents and the inability to evacuate the residents vertically in the building.
The King Has No Clothes … or Firefighters

The King Has No Clothes … or Firefighters

The report on Charleston’s June 18, 2007, Sofa Super Store fire was released last week, containing what we already suspected: that the fuel load and fire behavior outperformed the tactics, code requirements/enforcement, staffing, decision making, command and control, human resource management practices, training, and equipment employed by the Charleston (SC) Fire Department.
Street Scenes

Street Scenes

We were having one of those crazy Saturday night tours, the ones so many of us are lucky enough to encounter from time to time.
Preparing Future Officers

Preparing Future Officers

Question: What steps does your department take to prepare future officers?
Blister Agents: Phosgene Oxime

Blister Agents: Phosgene Oxime

A vesicant, or blister agent, as its name implies, causes painful burns and the formation of large blisters when it contacts the skin.
APPARATUS DELIVERIES: The Brevard County (FL) Fire-Rescue Department

APPARATUS DELIVERIES: The Brevard County (FL) Fire-Rescue Department

The Brevard County (FL) Fire-Rescue Department designed thisAMERICAN LaFRANCE pumper (one of four) for general firefighting and medical emergency response, explains District Chief Bob Thirkelson.
Blast Injuries

Blast Injuries

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) defines terrorism as “... the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a Government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.”