NIST: Fire caused the collapse of WTC 7

NIST: Fire caused the collapse of WTC 7

“Uncontrolled building fires—similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings—caused an extraordinary event, the collapse of World Trade Center 7 (WTC 7),” S. Shyam Sunder, lead investigator for the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), reported at a news conference in August.
Politics and Problems

Politics and Problems

As we enter into the election season this fall, this might be a good time to talk a little about politics and some of the potential pitfalls.
Overcoming Standpipe Problems

Overcoming Standpipe Problems

Standpipes may be found in shopping malls; theaters; and residential, large commercial, and public assembly buildings.
Engine Company Assignments

Engine Company Assignments

Question: Some departments operate under specific standard operating procedures (SOPs) that give specific direction to the first- and second-arriving engines at a working fire (as well as all incoming units), called “Pre-Incident Assignment” (PSA).
EMS Customer Service

EMS Customer Service

The one emergency service that should have cornered the customer service market is the emergency medical service (EMS).
Fireground efficiency matters!

Fireground efficiency matters!

“Amen” to Bobby Halton’s “The King Has No Clothes … or Firefighters” (Editor’s Opinion, July 2008).
With the Deepest Respect

With the Deepest Respect

I just finished another mind-numbing piece about Generation X and Generation Y and how they are somehow different, inferior, and dangerous.