Responding to Collapse Emergencies Complicated by Water Hazards

Responding to Collapse Emergencies Complicated by Water Hazards

Author’s note: The catastrophic failure of the heavily traveled I-35 West bridge in Minneapolis on August 1 once again highlighted the importance of a robust multitiered, multihazard emergency response; highly adaptable emergency plans; and a thorough understanding of collapse search and rescue protocols by firefighters and other responders.
Be Careful What You Wish For

Be Careful What You Wish For

The report on the Charleston (SC) Super Sofa Store was released while I was in Charleston interviewing several Charleston firefighters about the recovery process and the loss of Captain Billy Hutchinson, Captain Mike Benke, Captain Louis Mulkey, Engineer Mark Kelsey, Engineer Bradford “Brad” Baity, Assistant Engineer Michael French, Firefighter James “Earl” Drayton, Firefighter Brandon Thompson, and Firefighter Melvin Champaign.
Fire Cause and Determination

Fire Cause and Determination

Question: Who is responsible for fire cause and determination in your department, and what is the level of training?
Pierce Air Bag System

Pierce Air Bag System

Statistics confirm what every firefighter knows: Firefighter safety begins with traffic safety.
The Rookie Firefighter: Preparing for the Role

The Rookie Firefighter: Preparing for the Role

Can you still remember your first day at the firehouse? The excitement I had the night before prevented me from getting a good night’s rest.
The Big Picture

The Big Picture

When asked to submit an article about the fire service, the first thing I did was laugh.
Apparatus Deliveries: The Bath, NY Fire Department replaced a minipumper and a tanker

Apparatus Deliveries: The Bath, NY Fire Department replaced a minipumper and a tanker

The Bath (NY) Fire Department replaced a minipumper and a tanker with this CRIMSON pumper/tanker.