The Bad Apples

The Bad Apples

WHEN SOMETHING GOES wrong, we immediately start looking for someone to blame. Blaming is a normal gut reaction, and we all do it.
Operations at Fire-Resistive Multistory Buildings

Operations at Fire-Resistive Multistory Buildings

MORE AND MORE MULTISTORY buildings are being built nationwide, challenging firefighters as never before.
Seat Belt Policies

Seat Belt Policies

QUESTION: Does your department have a written seat belt policy? Who is responsible for enforcing it? How can we get firefighters to wear seat belts?
Are You Prepared to Handle an Ethanol Disaster?

Are You Prepared to Handle an Ethanol Disaster?

IF YOU THINK AN ETHANOL/ alcohol disaster cannot happen in your district, think again.
Introduction to Chemical Warfare Agents

Introduction to Chemical Warfare Agents

CHEMICAL WARFARE AGENTS (CWA), as terrible as they are in war, are no longer limited to use on traditional-type battlefields.


The Ovilla (TX) Fire Department has in service two apparatus built by SVI TRUCKS, INC.
When and How to Use a Tourniquet

When and How to Use a Tourniquet

A FRENCH ARMY SURGEON named Etienne Morel first reported in 1674 using a tourniquet for control of battlefield hemorrhage.