Operation Get Out Alive

Operation Get Out Alive

Although numerous articles have appeared about the dangers of residential window burglar/security bars for residents and firefighters during emergency operations, few workable solutions have been offered.
Apparatus Chassis Selection Criteria

Apparatus Chassis Selection Criteria

In an open letter to the fire service that appears as an advertisement in several industry trade publications, Freightliner Corporation (parent company of America LaFrance) President and CEO Jim Hebe states, "The cab and chassis are the foundation on which everything else depends ... the chassis gets the hardest workout and is subject to the most wear and tear ... the cab and chassis have been willfully ignored as the key components of a fire truck."
New Generation Carbon Filament-Wound Composite Cylinders for SCBA

New Generation Carbon Filament-Wound Composite Cylinders for SCBA

Filament-wound composite cylinders have been authorized and used for commercial high-pressure gas storage applications since 1976, when glass filament-reinforced and Kevlar® filament-reinforced aluminum design and construction was first authorized for production by the U.S. Department of Transportation.
Preplanning Building Hazards

Preplanning Building Hazards

Editor's note: For further reference, consult Building Construction for the Fire Service (BCFS3), Third Edition. Page numbers, where applicable, are included after the caption.
Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

I would like to make a thematic connection between Bill Manning's excellent article "A Right Way and a Wrong Way" (Editor's Opinion, December 1999) and the December 1999 articles "Hurricane Tests Emergency Communications" and "Dispatchers: Some Things Haven't Changed (And They Should!)."
Fire Service Court

Fire Service Court

Firefighting, rescue, and fire investigation are extremely dangerous, critical operations. Firefighters are faced with risks every time they respond to an incident. However, should a firefighter or surviving family members be forced to accept workers' compensation or death benefits if a dangerous product causes death or injury?
A Cohort Mortality Study of Philadelphia Firefighters

A Cohort Mortality Study of Philadelphia Firefighters

Firefighters are exposed under uncontrolled conditions to a wide variety of toxic chemicals including known and suspected carcinogens, such as benzene and formaldehyde in wood smoke, polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soots and tars, arsenic in wood preservatives, asbestos in building insulation, diesel engine exhaust, and dioxins.1-5