

OCFD Dispatch is staffed by 15 firefighters assigned to three 24-hour shifts, five people per shift. It has three radio consoles--two for dispatching and one supervisor console. Each console has four radio channels--a primary operating channel, two backup channels, and a mutual-aid channel, the communication channel for multiple agencies assigned to one incident. Console radio channels can be changed at any time with the push of a button. A message then is broadcast to all fire department rigs t
EMS Treatment and Transport

EMS Treatment and Transport

Ninety seconds after the explosion, EMSA had seven ambulances and two supervisor units staffed with 24 medical personnel (paramedics and EMTs) on the way to the site. Treatment of victims began within three minutes. The first seven ambulances were designated strictly as treatment units; this ensured that there would be enough personnel to begin immediate triage and treatment. (In a typical response, the operational plan would be one ambulance for treatment, one ambulance for transport.) No one
Pulled Out Alive: The Nancy Ingram Rescue

Pulled Out Alive: The Nancy Ingram Rescue

My family and I were planning to rest on April 19, 1995, after having buried my wife`s sister the day before. She died from burns that she and her six-year-old daughter had received when a stalking ex-boyfriend doused them with gasoline weeks before. Our niece survived. At 9:02 a.m., I heard the bomb blast, the house shook, and I knew something bad had happened. The TV news reported that the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building had just been blown up.
OCFD Logistics

OCFD Logistics

The logistics operation in the response to the April 19 bombing in Oklahoma City was extremely complicated and fragmented. While successful in that almost all equipment needs were met during the 17-day emergency operation, there were a number of lessons learned through trial and error that could have produced more efficiency.
ANFO: The Tool of Destruction

ANFO: The Tool of Destruction

ANFO is an acronym for the most popular blasting agents in use today. It stands for ammonium nitrate, fuel oil; and it is a simple mixture of the two. Ammonium nitrate is an oxidizing agent that does more than just supply oxygen to support the combustion of a fuel--it also is itself an explosive substance. Since it is an oxidizer and a material that burns (explodes), this combination of two legs of the fire triangle (the third, of course, is energy) can prove deadly. Indeed, on occasion, ammoniu
Report from Fire Chief

Report from Fire Chief

I was approximately six blocks from the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building when the explosion rocked Oklahoma City. My first thoughts were, "What type of chemical or natural gas explosion occurred?"
First In: Actions of Engine Company 1

First In: Actions of Engine Company 1

We were just beginning our shift at Station 1 when the explosion occurred. It felt as though something had hit or landed on top of our fire station. A plane crashing into a building in downtown Oklahoma City, a natural gas explosion, or a tank explosion were scenarios that quickly came to my mind.